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Book your car in

The Marches Transport Festival returns to Ludlow Castle in 2025, alongside the Spring Festival.

Booking Information

Here’s some information about how the booking system works and more details about the event.

Please carefully read the information provided to select the category that your vehicle falls into, then complete the Online Booking Form, or downloadable version if you prefer here, and share with your fellow club members and friends.  If you wish to enter more than one vehicle, or a different vehicle on each day, then you will need to complete a separate application form for each vehicle.

NB If we have a query, we will contact you. Otherwise, please consider your application successful, and you will receive your car entry number and final details for the weekend a couple of weeks prior to the event.


£7.50 per vehicle, per day (admits 2 adults, only)

Payment by Bacs, using Ref: Your name + MTF (eg Jo Blogs MTF)
(NB We are very sorry, but we can no longer accept cheque or card payments, thank you!)

Additional passengers will be charged at the normal event entry price on the day - advance discounted tickets are available to purchase online here.

Entry Categories


• Pre War - Up to 1948
• Post War - 1949 - 1959
• Modern Classics - 1960 –1985

Motorcycles - pre 1985   

Commercial - pre 1985   

(limited numbers due to restricted space)

Agricultural - pre 1985

Special Interest

This is open to any make/model and age. Please supply detailed information as to why this entry is considered to be of special interest in the box provided on the application form. The committee will then offer places to those successful applicants, as we have limited space.

Club Display

Club displays are most welcome.  An age restriction is applied of vehicles up to 1985 only, together with a maximum of one per make & model per year - unless they fall into the special interest category, which then can be applied for.  Each club will be allocated a specified area.

Entry & Exit Times

Entry and Exit times will be advised at a later date.
All vehicles must only move under the supervision of marshals / stewards.  Vehicles may be left on site overnight. We have night security on duty but vehicles remain parked at the owner's risk.

Leominster to Ludlow Run – Sunday ONLY

Departing from Broad Street car park, Leominster from 10:30am; leaving Leominster by the B4361 (back road) via Luston, Orleton and Richards Castle to the Overton Road, turn left to Ludford, over bridge, bearing right, at the top of the hill turn left through town centre to the castle.

History of vehicle

Exhibitors should bring along a history of their vehicle to display on the inside of their windscreen.

Final information for the weekend

  • You will receive the final information about the weekend together with your car number (for entry into the Castle) a couple of weeks prior to the event. 

  • If you have any queries please contact the office: or phone 01584 873957

Event Guidelines

There are a restricted number of spaces available for each day. 

Applications can be made to display for either both days, or just one day if preferred.  Display spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Vehicles may be left on site overnight. We have night security on duty but vehicles remain parked at the owner's risk.

Vehicles displaying on Sunday will be judged and presentations made on Sunday afternoon.  Please see Booking Information for all the Entry Categories.

Booking Form

Category Entered
I wish to display on:
Both Days
I wish to enter the Leominster to Ludlow run on Sunday. First 50 entries only.
Please tick here if you would like to receive the Ludlow Food Festival email newsletters and to be notified of any future events being organised by the Ludlow Food Festival, event organisers of the Marches Transport Festival. To view our Privacy Policy please click here
As a condition of entry all vehicles must be adequately insured.
Please tick to confirm your acceptance of this condition.
I would like to receive my passes by 'Signed For' delivery @ £2.50
Your contact details will be used to allow us to process your booking and send out your passes - without this we cannot process your application.
(admits 2 adults, only)
I will arrange to settle by BACS payment to the Event Organisers:
A/C Name: Ludlow Food Festival / Sort Code: 20-53-22 / A/C No 00164208
NB We are very sorry, but we're no longer able to accept cheques or card payments.

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